mardi 27 mai 2014

canal du midi

LOUIS XIV fait creuser le canal du Midi
Le Canal Royal du Languedoc ou Canal du Midi est une voie d’eau artificielle, un canal, creusé au 17e siècle et qui avait pour fonction de relier la Mer Méditerranée à l’Océan Atlantique. Construit entre 1667 et 1681 par Pierre-Paul Riquet, le Canal du Midi constitue un ouvrage d’art remarquable, considéré par ses contemporains comme le plus grand chantier du règne de Louis XIV. Il demeure aujourd’hui le plus ancien Canal d’Europe encore en fonctionnement .
L’exécution d’un tel chantier, permettant de joindre en droite ligne l’Océan Atlantique et la Mer Méditerranée en évitant le contournement de la péninsule ibérique était un rêve ancien caressé par les Empereurs Romains (Auguste, Néron), Charlemagne et les Rois de France (François Ier, Henri IV). La construction d’un tel ouvrage constituait pour eux un véritable enjeu politique et économique visant à sécuriser et améliorer le transport maritime, désenclaver des territoires, et trouver de nouveaux débouchés commerciaux.
Or, le creusement de ce Canal était à cette époque une véritable utopie. Les ressources financières à mobiliser, les moyens humains et logistiques à déployer, les difficultés techniques à résoudre, la volonté politique à faire valoir étaient tels que tous avaient la conviction de l’impossibilité d’ériger une telle voie d’eau. Au 16e siècle, certains projets, plutôt réalistes, furent élaborés ; mais aucun d’entre eux ne résolvait le problème de l’alimentation en eau du Canal. Ce fut le génie de Riquet d’entrevoir dans la Montagne Noire le futur réservoir de son Canal, capable de le pourvoir durablement en eau à partir du seuil de Naurouze, point haut de la ligne de partage des eaux Océane et Méditerranéenne.
Après son exploration de la Montagne Noire et ses essais fructueux à Bonrepos-Riquet, Pierre-Paul Riquet adressa son idée de canal à Colbert le 15 novembre 1662. Le Roi de France, Louis XIV, vit en ce projet l’opportunité de contrarier le voisin et rival espagnol et l’occasion de marquer son règne d’une œuvre impérissable.
La conjonction des ambitions des deux hommes, Riquet et Louis XIV, permit le lancement des travaux du Canal. Toutefois, Riquet dut faire preuve de beaucoup de détermination pour faire face aux problèmes quotidiens (accidents, difficultés financières…) de cet immense chantier qui mobilisa des milliers d’ouvriers pendant une quinzaine d’années. Riquet mourût le 1er octobre 1680 alors que son Canal demeurait inachevé sur quelques lieux avant le débouché de l’Etang de Thau. Le Canal Royal du Languedoc, inauguré le 19 mai 1681, connut des défaillances techniques (ensablements, crues de rivière) peu de temps après sa mise en service. Des travaux de confortement et des aménagements complémentaires furent notamment exécutés à la fin du 17e siècle par Niquet et Vauban.
Le Canal du Midi est une réalisation technique remarquable au regard des moyens connus au 17e siècle. On peut citer certains des ouvrages d’art exceptionnels qui le constituent : le Barrage de Saint-Ferréol, le Tunnel de Malpas, l’Escalier d’écluses de Fonsérannes…

Pedro II


O Professor Gastão Reis, um dos decanos do Movimento Monarquista Brasileiro e membro do Círculo Monárquico do Rio de Janeiro, deu um depoimento para o programa “A Voz do Cidadão”, falando sobre o Poder Moderador, utilizando-se de um discurso extremamente apropriado para o momento em que vivemos em nosso País. 

“A separação entre Chefia de Estado e Chefia de Governo é fundamental para garantir o sucesso de Governos que funcionam”, afirmou o Professor, antes de falar da estabilidade institucional e constitucional que o Brasil experimentou ao longo de todo o reinado do Imperador Dom Pedro II (1825-1891), que, com grande sabedoria e honestidade, se utilizou do Poder Moderador para garantir a prosperidade e a democracia do Império do Brasil.

O Professor Reis também falou sobre as vantagens que o Poder Moderador tem sobre o funcionamento do Parlamento, com o Imperador podendo fiscalizar os políticos e dar fim aos maus Governos, permanecendo sempre acima das querelas partidárias e das paixões ideológicas, agindo sempre de acordo com os interesses da Nação. Por fim, o Professor afirmou que o Brasil necessita, desesperadamente, de um Imperador que utilize o Poder Moderador, pelo bem deste País. 

ST. William of Gellone

St. William of Gellone

Born 755; died 28 May, c. 812; was the second count of Toulouse, having attained that dignity in 790..... His father’s name was Theoderic, his mother’s Aldana, and he was in some way connected with the family of Charles the Great, at whose court he was present as a youth. The great emperor employed him against the Saracen invaders from Spain, whom he defeated at Orange....May 28 – After Defeating the Saracens, He Joined the Benedictines

the boat of his majesty

Czarevich Alexei. His hat reads "Standart", the name of the Imperial yacht, in Cyrillic letters

division de Mexico

De la división territorial realizada durante el Segundo Imperio, O'Gorman enfatiza que en México y para México, la historia de la división de su territorio puede reducirse, con excepción de la época
que ahora me ocupa, a una larga narración de pugnas entre diversas regiones del país para lograr mayor extensión territorial en detrimento de otras y con perjuicio del bien público.
Cabe, pues, la honra a Maximiliano y a su gobierno, de haber sido el único régimen que intentó una división política territorial científica, piedra angular de toda buena administración, y elemento esencial en el éxito de todo régimen democrático.
Para la realización de esta división territorial se tomaron en cuenta los accidentes físicos, la configuración del terreno, la distribución de aguas, la población, los recursos naturales y económicos y las comunicaciones.
La división territorial que realizó Orozco y Berra por orden de Maximiliano I en 1865, fue la única que se ha hecho de nuestro país tomando en cuenta los elementos necesarios para que pudiera darse una división lógica y funcional.

Audrey Kathleen Hepburn-Ruston

Audrey Kathleen Hepburn-Ruston (4 May 1929 – 20 January 1993). Better known as Audrey Hepburn, she was a British actress and humanitarian. Her father, Joseph Victor Anthony Ruston (1889–1980), was a British subject born in Úžice, Bohemia. Although born Ruston, he later double-barrelled the surname to the more "aristocratic" Hepburn-Ruston, mistakenly believing himself descended from James Hepburn, third husband of Mary, Queen of Scots. Her mother, Baroness Ella van Heemstra (1900–1984), was a Dutch aristocrat and the daughter of Baron Aarnoud van Heemstra, who served as Governor of Dutch Suriname in the 1920's. Ella, Baroness van Heemstra, was named Dame of the Most Venerable Order of the Hospital of Saint John of Jerusalem by Queen Elizabeth II on 7 September 1971. Audrey was born in Ixelles, a district of Brussels and, spent her childhood between Belgium, England and the Netherlands, including German-occupied Arnhem during the Second World War. In Amsterdam, she studied ballet with Sonia Gaskell before moving to London in 1948 to continue her ballet training with Marie Rambert and perform as a chorus girl in West End musical theatre productions. After appearing in several British films and starring in the 1951 Broadway play Gigi, Hepburn played the lead role in Roman Holiday (1953), for which she was the first actress to win an Academy Award, a Golden Globe and a BAFTA Award for a single performance. She went on to star in a number of successful films, such as Breakfast at Tiffany's (1961) and My Fair Lady (1964). She appeared in fewer films as her life went on, devoting much of her later life to UNICEF. Although contributing to the organisation since 1954, she worked in some of the most profoundly disadvantaged communities of Africa, South America and Asia between 1988 and 1992. She was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom in recognition of her work as a UNICEF Goodwill Ambassador in December 1992. A month later, Hepburn died of appendiceal cancer at her home in Switzerland at the age of 63. Many family members and friends attended her funeral, including her two sons, partner Robert Wolders, ex-husbands Andrea Dotti and Mel Ferrer, Hubert de Givenchy, executives of UNICEF, and fellow actors Alain Delon and Roger Moore. Flower arrangements were sent to the funeral by Gregory Peck, Elizabeth Taylor, and the Dutch royal family

Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria

Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria (Schwetzingen, Germany, 27th May 1756 - Munich, Germany , 13th October 1825)
Today we make the reacquaintance of Maximilian I Joseph of Bavaria, a king who was well-liked by his subjects and court. He was a a monarch who loved to mingle with the citizens of his country and on the anniversary of his birthday, it seems apt to share a story that demonstrates the very personal interest he took in the lives of those over whom he reigned.

On 21st July 1801 the house of glassmaker Philipp Anton Weichelsberger collapsed. Buried beneath the rubble of the building was Weichelsberger's 14 year old apprentice, Joseph von Fraunhofer. Rushing to the scene of the disaster, Maximilian directed the rescue efforts at the scene of the catastrophe and the young lad was pulled from the wreckage, shaken but alive. Also present at the rescue was Joseph von Utzschneider, a prominent figure in the world of glassmaking and between Utzschneider and Maximilian, the young man's life was to be transformed.

Maximilian took a personal interest in the future welfare of Fraunhofer and donated money and books in order that he might continue his studies. He prevailed upon Weichelsberger, a stern taskmaster, to allow his apprentice time away from work to study under Utzschneider's care. With Maximilian's financial and moral support, Fraunhofer was eventually able to leave the employ of Weichelsberger and become apprentice to Utzschneider instead. 

It was to prove a fateful decision; the young man who had been rescued from the remains of his master's house went onto become famed for his experiments, inventions and discoveries in the field of optical instrumentation and science. His name lives on today, immortalised in  Fraunhofer Lines, a scientific term still used by scientists to this day.

jeudi 22 mai 2014


This blog is a warehouse of shared information on the history of Europe, as the administrator, pass links, which will attract major stakeholders on important events who hppens in Europe in past centuries, like destacantes personalities who managed to leave its mark not only in Europe but the entire humanity, himself the influence that had Asia, Middle East and America, also, this blog is for history lovers who are looking for useful and theoretical knowledge, a lot of information will be in Spanish, English, French and other languages ​​accessible to all, Good day!

Este blog, consiste en un almacen de informacion compartida sobre la historia de Europa, en lo que el administrador, pasara vinculos, que atraeran los grandes interesados sobre acontecimientos importantes que occurieron en Europa en los siglos pasados, al igual que personalidades destacantes que lograron dejar su huellea no solo en Europa pero a la Humanidad completa, a si mismo la influencia que tuvo Asia, Medio Oriente y America, tambien, este blog es para los amantes de la historia que estan en busca de conocimiento util y teorico, mucha informacion estara en español, ingles, frances u otros idiomas accesible a todos, Buen dia !